Ghe Ciobanu
Pictura Naiva.
"Ghe. Ciobanu's paintings breathe peace and warm humor, often sucked into the good tradition of popular storytellers blessed with the grace of the places where the painter comes from."
"Tablourile lui Ghe. Ciobanu respira liniste si umor cald, adeseori sugubat in buna traditie a povestitorilor populari binecuvantati cu harul locurilor de unde se trage pictorul."
- Ion Caramitru
"For me, painting is a chance to show God. God has put so much beauty in this world especially for us to be happy. The 1st violin of my painting is the harmony between colors. This is achieved only through love which does not exclude much patience and even suffering. They are the gifts of God to reach true beauty."
"Pentru mine pictura este o sansa de a-l arata pe D-zeu. Atata frumusete a pus D-zeu in lumea aceasta special pentru ca noi sa fim fericiti. Vioara 1-a a picturii mele este armonia dintre culori. Aici nu se ajunge decat prin iubire care nu exclude multa rabdare si chiar suferinta. Sunt darurile lui D-zeu pentru a ajunge la adevarata frumusete."
- Ghe Ciobanu